metatudemeta-tude는 일상의 삶 속에서 ‘인간 소외’ 를 발견하는 작업이다.
meta-tude is a work to discover ‘human alienation’ in everyday life. |  3-3. sunflower<주름 Le pli>은 ‘0’과 ‘1’을 구분하는 픽셀 세계를 표상한 것이 아니다. ‘0’과 ‘1’이 동시에 존재하는 MONAD의 현상화 과정을 통해 인간의 인식 한계를 넘어서 존재하는 것들을 상상하고 표현했다. 창 없이 우주를 비추고 있는 MONAD의 세계 속에서 우리의 근원을 상상하고 느껴보고자 하는 시도이다.
<Le pli> does not represent the pixel world that distinguishes '0' and '1'. Through the phenomenalization process of MONAD, in which ‘0’ and ‘1’ exist simultaneously, I imagined and expressed things that exist beyond the limits of human cognition. It is an attempt to imagine and feel our origin in the world of MONAD, w |  minad WINGS< monad WINGS >는 표상 아래에서 작동하는 모든 힘(근원)들을 상상하는 작업이며, 표상 속에 숨겨진 변수(hidden variables)를 표현하려는 시도이다.
< monad WINGS > is the work of imagining all the forces (sources) operating under the representation, and it is an attempt to express hidden variables in the representation. |  vector space과거 현재 미래가 한 공간 한 순간에 조우하는 어떤 한 점을 상상 해본다.
Imagine a point where the past, present, and future meet at one moment in one space. |
 monad Changes(post) |  MONAD-mMONAD for Primeval Energy.
The MONAD work is a try to imagine the internal thing, i.e. the true nature of the world, through the images symbolized externally at this moment.
MONAD work is to take photos of the world not through the lens of camera but through ‘googling’, the lens of modern people’s recognition. |  MONAD-WThe longer you stare at, the lines/shapes that cause emotion are suddenly cut off somewhere. As the beginning of space, the break at this time is induced to the cyclic space-time that opens infinitely. This is not the only metaphysical space-time. The margin of narrow or wide dark space is the margin as the potential shape of space-time and the axis of exquisite balance between existence and absence as well. |  MONAD-changes (pre)My Monad-chages(78 images) series photo work is based on oriental thought.
The process of the work proceeds like a kind of meditation.Like Rothko-Chapel in Houston, touch and heal people's emotions.
Many lines that are tangled in a horizontal and vertical direction symbolize the world where a lot of time and space meet each other.
The lines that constantly stretch are the time of eternity, and the past and the future collide with each other and are the phenomena that make up the present. |